What to Expect

Most of our official meetings and services are done formally. The congregation sits facing the front, allowing one person to speak at a time. In a typical memorial service on Sunday morning, when we take the bread and wine, the presider is responsible for welcoming everyone and instructing us as to what’s going to happen next (although we follow the same order of service every time). Volunteers carry out Bible readings and prayers and play the piano. These volunteers are always asked long before the meeting starts!
Meetings begin with some quiet piano music, usually tunes from Christadelphian hymn books. We then have the meeting, before ending in prayer and waiting for the piano music to start again, signalling the end of the service.
Who is welcome at a Christadelphian service?
Everyone is welcome!
The Bible teaches that no matter our backgrounds or current circumstances, everyone has the opportunity to approach God in humility. (This is certainly not limited to formal services or church buildings!)
Our meetings are led by baptised Christadelphians, following the instructions given by the apostles to the first century believers. These are recorded in the New Testament letters.
Everyone needs forgiveness, including us. No matter who you are or where you’re from, you’re welcome to get in touch. Forgiveness is offered to all through baptism, full adult immersion in water - the washing away of sin and the death of the old.
Service style at Brant County Christadelphians
Brant County Christadelphians conduct our services in a traditional format similar to that of other Protestant denominations.
Most people wear formal or smart-casual dress. Baptised Christadelphian women also wear head coverings of some kind - headscarves, hats, and the like. If you don’t have these sorts of clothes available, please don’t let that stop you coming! As we say, everyone is welcome.
We use our own hymn book (a 2002 compilation of 438 hymns), although you might recognize certain tunes and words from other places. Don’t worry if you don’t have one - we have plenty of spares at the back of the room.
We also have lots of spare Bibles - please don’t hesitate to ask for one! You could also download a free Bible app on your smartphone or tablet, such as Bible Gateway, Olive Tree or Blue Letter Bible. These are also available in browsers.
Wheelchair accessibility
The Brant County Christadelphian hall is wheelchair accessible.
Looking from Leonard Street towards the front door from the sidewalk, you’ll see a ramp and path to the right of the building.
Go through the side door this path leads to, turning left once you’re inside and heading up the slight ramp into the main hall. You’ll enter the hall at the front of the room, near the platform.
The entirety of the upper level is wheelchair accessible, including the backroom and upstairs bathroom. Unfortunately, the only way to get downstairs to the basement is via one of the three staircases.
Parking at Brant County Christadelphian hall
The Brant County Christadelphian hall is on the corner of Leonard Street and McKenzie Avenue. On-street parking is available around this corner at certain places.
There are three off-street parking spots at the rear of the hall, accessible from McKenzie Avenue. You can use these spaces when attending any events at the hall. They’re available on a first-come-first-served basis.
We can’t park on some sections of road as shown by the signs. We also try to ensure our neighbours can come and go without getting in their way.
How long do services last?
It depends on the service in question. In general:
Memorial meeting lasts up to 1 hour and 30 minutes
Sunday School lasts 1 hour
Bible Class lasts 1 hour
The Bible Unlocked seminars last 30 minutes
You can find more detailed information on the Services & Activities page.
Activities for children at Brant County Christadelphians
During services, we have dedicated space for children and younger families towards the rear of the hall (the first few rows of seating when you enter from Leonard Street). Audio is also streamed downstairs during the services, including to a cry room.
We have a few fun activities typically used at Youth Group, such as a ping pong table in the back room (upstairs).
For Sunday School, the kids have their own classes, organised according to age.
We also work with another local Christadelphian ecclesia on Little Disciples. This is a Christadelphian youth group for younger children in the area. For more information, please get in touch.
Where is…?
Here’s where to find certain things in and around the hall.
The kitchen - Downstairs and in the corner of the basement.
The bathrooms - Two bathrooms are downstairs, next to the kitchen. An additional, wheelchair-accessible bathroom is located upstairs, up the ramp to the right of the stage. The bathroom is on your left after this.
A drink of water - Glasses and cups are available in the kitchen. The water from the kitchen tap is drinkable. Bottled water may be available - please ask one of us about this.
The snacks - Snacks are usually provided by scheduled volunteers at Sunday School, Bible Class and CYC.
The coffee machine? - Tea and coffee are available downstairs against the far wall. Milk and cream should be in the kitchen fridge. Mugs should be nearby. If not, you’ll find some in the cupboards in the kitchen.